Plan Engagement

Engagement and collaboration are so critical to the work of the JRTA that they are enshrined in Bill 61. Our efforts to date have been focused on introducing the Agency to the public and other organizations, seeking out interested parties, and building relationships with our core partners, municipal governments, provincial departments, and underrepresented and underserved communities.

While our core partners are key, a successful regional transportation system also requires strong relationships and alignment across provincial and municipal planning initiatives.

An aerial view of the Circumferential Highway at Lake Banook / Lake MicMac, with Micmac Mall in the background at sunset.

What We Heard

Our Stage 2 What We Heard Report is now available. Learn more about public engagement activities during Stage 2, including community-led outreach efforts, and read a summary of what we heard from you in-person, online, and during our virtual session.

Public Information Boards

During the last two weeks of February, the JRTA team was in communities sharing an update on our work to date on the plan. Here is the information we’ve been sharing during those sessions.

Click here for a PDF version of the information.

The LaHave ferry crosses the LaHave river against a cloudy sky. The Lahave Bakery is visible in the backgroumd.

Virtual Information Session

Watch our virtual information session, held February 13, 2024.

In this session, JRTA staff and the consultancy team provide an update on work to date on the Regional Transportation Plan and answer questions from attendees.

How We’re Engaging

Given the importance of transportation, the JRTA is committed to collaboration. The first of its kind in Atlantic Canada, we sit in a unique position to work across jurisdictions and levels of government to take a comprehensive approach to transportation planning. In addition to public engagement and outreach, here are some of the ways we are working together with other organizations and levels of government.

Technical Advisory Board

Senior leaders from our Core Partner organizations and Associate Member CN. Each member owns, operates, or funds transportation in the region, and have existing plans, strategies, and studies that are important to, dependant on, or that will inform the Regional Transportation Plan.

Technical Working Group

Subject matter experts with backgrounds in transportation and land use planning, modelling, and engineering from ​our six Core Partners.

Province of Nova Scotia Collaboration Network

60+ provincial staff across ​departments whose work ​intersects with the JRTA.

Municipal Working Group

CAOs / Directors of Planning from the fifteen municipalities in the study area. This ensures that any planned growth is properly considered during plan development.

Focus Groups

Four external groups including community transit operators, ​community organizations, advocacy groups, industry, major employers, ​and educational institutions.

Engagement Stages

Community-led Outreach

As work on the plan relies heavily on demographic and travel behaviour data, first person accounts of experiences of those using the transportation system are an important layer to address systemic biases that have contributed to inequity in past transportation-related decision making.

We are supporting trusted, community-rooted organizations that are already working in areas where transportation acts as an enabler or barrier for their members/clients. These organizations will be the hosting a series of listening sessions to gather first person accounts and perspective on transportation issues.

The JRTA provided financial support to these organizations to facilitate this work, including compensation for participants:

  • One North End Community Economic Development Society, working with African Nova Scotian youth
  • YWCA Halifax, working with Newcomer and at-risk women
  • OSO Planning and Design, working with Millbrook First Nation
  • Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, working with Urban Indigenous people (sessions to come)
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