About us Our Team Our Team The Joint Regional Transportation Agency has a small, dedicated team responsible for furthering our mandate, engaging with governments, organization, and the public, and working alongside our partners to improve our transportation system. Mary Avery Executive Assistant / Board Secretary mary.avery@novascotia.ca Muriel Cookey Senior Policy Analyst muriel.cookey@novascotia.ca Megan Couture Communications & Engagement Strategist megan.couture2@novascotia.ca Tanya Davis Vice President tanya.davis@novascotia.ca Dave Espeseth Planning Lead david.espeseth@novascotia.ca Angela Johnson Executive Lead, Equity & Strategic Relations angela.johnson@novascotia.ca Stephen McCarthy Transportation Modelling Lead stephen.mccarthy@novascotia.ca Matthew Neville Principal Planner matthew.neville@novascotia.ca Have a question? Get in touch with us! Contact us